The Psychology of Demons
Demons exhibit a very different psychology from humans, which is understandable since they have a very different origin. As we learn from Enoch, demons find their origin in the rebellion of a group of rebellious angelic beings known as Watchers, while humanity is directly created by God. This means we exhibit very different psychologies. For example, if you beat a human daily for several hours, at some point they have a psycho-emotional breakdown. A demon, however, experiences nothing like that, as they have no “parts” to their intellect. Instead, what we find in exorcism ministry is that they experience a sort of “shut down”. In other words, when the pain they experience during an exorcism becomes so intense, their will becomes incapable of movement. Exorcism is then a sort of battle in the demon's "mind". Similar to how they attack their victim's mind, the exorcist turns the table and forces the demon into a war on its own mind. Usually a demon will reach a weakened stage within three days at most. This is why it is important to meet with the victim at least three times each week, two sessions per day, to keep the pressure intense on the demon. Following this intense schedule helps ensure victims can be liberated more quickly, generally speaking.
Demons follow certain principles as well.
- Anything but God-They get the victim to think about anything but God, including thinking about how to overcome their sins so much that they fall into scrupulosity.
- Anything but moderation-Demons drive people to extremes. The fact of the matter is, virtue lays in moderation, not self abuse. By pushing toward extremes demons try to steal from you a normal, healthy life as God wills.
Demonic Modus Operandi
- The nature of the demon is rarely shown to you. He will drive you to a sin that isn't connected to his own personality and nature.
- They're very hidden in people's lives. Was there an event in your life, after which you knew or felt you were never the same? Yes? That was the event that gave the demon entry. Keep in mind that demons can block the victim's ability to remember certain things.
- Demons operate in a very distinct way. First, the divide. They divide their victims through their perceptions. For example, they create a perception that divides husband and wife. This divides people internally. Second, self hate. Demons want the victim to feel the way they do. They transfer the emotions they have, all their self loathing, anger, hatred, etc. to the victim. These emotions are often contrary to charity. Add to this the more common feeling of unworthiness. Most people have been emotionally wounded in their lives, and demons prey upon those emotional wounds. Often the demon will drive external circumstances to further wound and isolate the person in order to gain more control over the victim. These emotional wounds are of two types: wounds caused by our own sins, and wounds caused by the sins of others. When someone hurts us, we can make the mistake of holding onto the injustice done to us in some way. It is necessary that the victim lets go of the injustice done. Unless they do so, healing can't occur and the demon can maintain control. Now, one must forgive the perpetrator as well. The same is true if we don't forgive ourselves of the evils we've committed. Love is to seek the highest good, which is part of the virtue of charity. Sacred Scripture is clear that we're to seek our own highest good by receiving Christ into our lives, thus being charitable to oneself, forgiving oneself for past evils, is demanded by the gospel itself. To hang onto past sins confessed and covered by the redemptive power of the blood of Christ is itself a rejection of the forgiveness of God. One must forgive oneself in order to heal. Demons can't forgive themselves as their sins are bound to them. They want their victims to feel this same sense of doom, damnation, and self loathing.
- Ignore and rebuke the enticements of demons.
- Remain in a state of grace by avoiding willful sin.
- Remain under your authority structure.-When Eve listened to the Serpent she stepped out of her authority structure and engaged in a willful sin. She placed herself under the influence of Satan.
- Make use of the means of grace God has provided.
- Attend church as often as possible.
- Maintain a regular life of prayer.
- Maintain regular meditation on the Word.
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