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Christian Preternatural Investigation vs. Paranormal Investigation

The word preternatural is derived from the Medieval Latin locution preternaturalis —meaning between the mundane and the miraculous .  Since the 1570’s th e word has been used increasingly by theologians to describe demonic activity as enabled by possession through supernatural means .  In pop culture, this is sporadically, mistakenly confused with the phrase ‘paranormal ’—a span coined by twentieth-century Utilitarian philosopher Maximillian Dessoir to explain what is alongside that which is normal .  The two are not synonymous, and neither adamantly, literally address ghosts, and hauntings regardless of the conclusions that have leaped from the high board of an intellectually sloven mainstream media.   This article will seek to crystalize the misuse, and abuse of both utterances by comparing, and contrasting them in the context of the paranormal community, and the church.   Similarities, and differences .  Representing best practices utilized by the former will be three prob

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